Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hello Dear World!

Pleasure to have you here! We're Emily and Bethany from good ol' Tyler, Texas and this is a little blog that shares all about our vintage finds and inspirations. 

Oh My Dear is an Online Vintage Clothing and Accessory Re-Sale Shop.

We hope to intertwine a love for vintage, fashion, and creativity with supporting victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. A percentage of every sale will be donated to a local non-profit organization that works directly with the prevention, rescue, and aftercare of women and children. (as stated in the about section) 

Thank you for for taking a peek at our new blog, here are just a few of ebay shop items that are for sale now! 

We had such a fun time shooting all afternoon! 
(Of course, little Roslyn had to make her outrageous appearance, always practically kissing Emily's face off.)

Here's the link to see more and purchase items in the store: Oh My Dear

Emily & I are so thrilled to finally get things up and running. We will be updating this blog frequently, to keep you up to date and to also to hear your much appreciated feedback. 

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

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